This is the official page for tracking my (Rohan Jhunjhunwala's) progress and funds raised during his Backyard Ultramarathon for Bidya.
Bidya is an organization which raises money to create scholarships for underprivileged females in Nepal.
With as little as 1500-2500$ in capital we can create a scholarship fund which can fund all annual K-12 educational
expenses for one Female student in need using the interest returns alone.
Because of the comparatively low costs in Nepal, and our relationships with certain high-schools,
we can ensure that every dollar Bidya fundraises will efficiently go to a child in need.
Donations to Bidya are 100% 501c(3) tax deductible. Rohan and Rakchhya are matching all
donations made to this Ultramarathon fundraiser. For every dollar donated, 3$ will go to funding
critical scholarships for underprivileged female Nepali students. To make a per-mile pledge reach out to or feel free to donate directly.
This is a race without a finish line. Competitors run 4.17 miles every hour on the hour until there is just one athlete left standing able to complete the loop.
Any pledge, big or small, makes a big difference both to our scholars and to me when I'm exhausted out
on the course hoping to be the last man standing. As a thank you to our patrons. I will update this page live during the race, Saturday, June 1.
The javascript graph below will track the total funds raised so far.
The race also has an official Facebook Leaderboard.
If you'd like to drop some cheers in the comments there, we'd be really appreciative. Special thanks to all supporters and my team
that is coming out to this event.
This update is a quick one.
I learned that this floofer needed some head pats, and I had to help!
This is an important cause, so feel free to compile and run the following java script (not javascript fortunately) to help out the floofer.
package none;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Desktop;
import java.awt.MouseInfo;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Robot;
import java.awt.event.InputEvent;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* @author rohan
public class PetFloofer {
* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
int NUM_PETS = 25;
int pause = 334;
Robot robot = new Robot();
int steps = 334;
int startX = 780;
int endX = 1150;
double stepSize = ((double) (endX - startX) / steps);
for(int i = 0;i<=NUM_PETS-1;i++){
for(int step_num = 0;step_num<=steps-1;step_num++){
int x = (int) (startX + step_num * stepSize);
robot.mouseMove(x, 400);
javac && java
I came across an exciting problem in a stand up maths video.
Using a simple brute force graph-theory argument, a viewer had gotten the runtime of Matt's solution down from 32 days to 15 minutes. By throwing the book at the problem I thought we could do better.
With good fundamental knowledge of the english language and machine structures other authors
have implemented some variant of exhaustive search with substantially better runtime of 100 milliseconds. With fundamentally simple code.
However, using Mixed integer programming, ( a simple formulation around set covering) we can optimize this to 10 seconds (360 * 24 * 32) times faster than Matt's code.
An alternate approach using pySMT (satisfiability modulo theories) has an estimated runtime of around 11 hours. My formulation of this as a SMT problem finds one of the 11 assignments of words for this problem
1 hour.
These are overkill solutions but have a certain mathematical elegance to them, that makes me really happy.
import pysmt as pysmt
import sys
from pysmt.shortcuts import SBV, Symbol, is_valid, Equals
from pysmt.typing import BV32
from pysmt.shortcuts import Symbol, Or, And, GE, LT, Plus, Equals, Int, get_model, BV
from pysmt.typing import INT
import time
import mip
from mip import Model, xsum, maximize, BINARY, OptimizationStatus, ConstrsGenerator, GRB, CBC
from collections import Counter
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
dic = sys.argv[1]
dic = "wordle_guesses.txt"
ALPHABET = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
with open(dic) as fh:
WORD_LIST = list(set([word.strip() for word in fh.readlines() if len(word.strip()) == CHARS and CHARS == len(set(word.strip()))]))
# Too slow: takes one hour
# TODO: figure out how to get all solutions (solution re-run with additional constraints. SOlution counting is known
# to be #P complete, so not much too do but have runtime rpoporational to number of solutions
def get_all_wordle_solutions_mip(dictionary: list[str], blacklist: list[list[str]] = []) -> None | list[str]:
solutions = set()
m = Model("Quick milp wordle model. Perf benchmark CBC free solver", solver_name = CBC)
words = {word:m.add_var(var_type=BINARY) for word in dictionary}
m += xsum(word for word in words.values()) == 5
word_counts = {word: Counter(word) for word in words}
for ch in ALPHABET:
m += xsum(words[word] * word_counts[word][ch] for word in words) <= 1
for solution in blacklist:
m += get_constraint_from_solution(solution)
class KeepOnSolving(ConstrsGenerator):
def generate_constrs(self, model, depth = 0, npass = 0):
solution = tuple(dictionary[i] for i in range(len(model.vars)) if model.vars[i].x >= .99)
model += xsum(var for var in model.vars if var.x >= .99) <= 4
m.lazy_constrs_generator = KeepOnSolving()
m.infeas_tol = 1e-2
status = m.optimize(max_seconds = 1000000000000)
return solutions
def get_bitvec(word: str) -> int:
out = 0
counts = Counter(word)
for i, ch in enumerate(ALPHABET):
out += counts[ch] << i
return out
def get_all_solutions_smt(dictionary: list[str]):
solutions = []
unique_chars = [word for word in dictionary if len(set(word)) == len(word)]
bitvecs = [get_bitvec(word) for word in unique_chars]
def get_one_solution_smt(blacklist: list[list[str]] = []) -> list[str]:
words = [Symbol("word" + str(i), BV32) for i in range(WORDLE_LEN)]
domains = And(Or(Equals(word, BV(vec, 32)) for vec in bitvecs) for word in words)
problem = And(And(Equals(words[i] & words[j], BV(0, 32))for j in range(i)) for i in range(WORDLE_LEN))
formula = And(domains, problem)
print("Serialization of the formula:")
model = get_model(formula)
if model:
return None
return solutions
def get_one_solution_hardcoded_smt(dictionary: list[str]) -> list[list[str]]:
Output of hardcoded run
word4 := 35668104_32
word0 := 656404_32
word1 := 17863168_32
word2 := 10562_32
word3 := 4522017_32
:param dictionary:
hardcoded = [35668104, 656404, 17863168, 10562, 4522017]
out = [[]]
for vec in hardcoded:
for word in dictionary:
if len(set(word)) == len(word) and get_bitvec(word) == vec:
return out
strategies = [get_all_wordle_solutions_mip, get_one_solution_hardcoded_smt]
for strategy in reversed(strategies):
solutions = strategy(WORD_LIST)
print(str(strategy), "found", len(solutions), "solutions")
for words in solutions:
print(str(strategy), " Solution: ", *words)
javac && java
This "blog" is called "Abstract Nonsense" because of this project. Most language models try to build interesting
output, but end up spouting abstract nonsense (with or without some semantic correctness). Well,
I thought to myself, I have a corpus that itself is really just abstract nonsense, maybe I could train an NLP
transformer model on this corpus, and oddities of syntax, would actually be a feature!
Because the robot is confused, it will also be named Abstract Nonsense, to maximize perplexity with respect to the
identically named blog hosted on this site
I present to you GPT 9001! Which is really just a fine tuned version of GPT 2 tuned for text generation on
the Quote Doc In this project I learned that
hand-rolled models that I can quickly train are trash. For example, the first implementation of GPT 9001, was called GPT0,
and was just some LSTM model I spun up and trained on the quote doc, the LSTM model could either predict random
words or overfit the training set. It couldn't do anything of interest :(.
Anyway, without further ado here s/he is:
This is a weird blog entry. The end goal of this project is to eventually run a 100 mile Backyard Ultramarathon using only free software This rule is to be interpreted as reasonably as possible and should only apply to tech worn or carried through the race. This rule also does not apply to any crew. This rule is to be followed in spirit. For example if unavoidable small bits of nonfree cpu microcode are acceptable or in modem firmware, care will be taken to isolate such components. An artifact of this is any music listened to during the race will be DRM-Free. The patent on mp3s has recently expired so it is free. I've been a pretty rubbish runner for most of my childhood so this project is technically and physically grueling.
Distance | P95 | P99 | PR |
Mile | 6:00 | 5:20 | 5:47* |
1.5 mi | 9:10 | 8:22 | 8:58* |
5k | 21:12 | 17:38 | 19:47* |
10k | 41:17 | 34:24 | 42:31 |
Half Marathon | 1:33:04 | 1:18:07 | 1:32:58 |
Marathon | 3:08:42 | 2:44:18 | 3:58:05 |
50k | ??? | ??? | 4:56:35 |
24 hr Backyard ultra ruleset run distance | 50 mi | 100 mi | 55.9 mi |
var counter = 30;
var counterInterval;
gameOver = false;
var stop = false;
var score = 0;
colors = [0x000000, 16, 204, 51, 162];
// Long, S, Box, T, L, Right handed L, trimino, monomino
pieces = [[4, 15 << 4], [3, 51], [2, 15], [3, 23], [3, 15], [3, 39], [3, 56], [1,1]];
function getBit(n, b){
// assumes n is a 32 bit integer. UB otherwise.
return (n & (1 << b)) >> b;
function setBit(n, b, val){
// assumes n is a 32 bit integer. UB otherwise.
return (n | (val << b));
function rotate(piece){
/* Rotate piece 90 degrees counter clockwise */
// yeah yeah,. there's a better way
// math math.
var len = piece[0];
if(piece[0] == 2){
return piece;
var new_locs;
if(piece[0] == 4){
new_locs = [12, 8, 4, 0, 13, 9, 5, 1, 14, 10, 6, 2, 15, 11, 7, 3];
new_locs = [6, 3, 0, 7, 4, 1, 8, 5, 2];
var out = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < len * len; i++){
out = setBit(out, new_locs[i], getBit(piece[1], i));
return [piece[0], out];
function rotateOptions(piece){
var out = [piece];
for(var i = 0; i< 3;i++){
out[i + 1] = rotate(out[i]);
return out;
pieces =;
function check(buff, x, y){
return buff[(y + START_Y) * Y_SQUARES + (x + START_X)];
function set(buff, x, y, val){
buff[(y + START_Y) * Y_SQUARES + (x + START_X)] = val;
function getRandomPiece(){
return [colors[ 1 + Math.floor(Math.random()* (colors.length -1))],
pieces[Math.floor(pieces.length * Math.random())], BOARD_WIDTH >> 1 - 2, 0, 0];
current_piece = getRandomPiece();
function assignValuesToPiece(piece, colorMultiplier){
var len = piece[1][0][0];
for(var i = 0; i< len; i++){
for(var j = 0; j< len; j++){
x = piece[2];
y = piece[3];
piece_bm = piece[1][piece[4]][1]
color = piece[0] * colorMultiplier;
if(getBit(piece_bm, j * len + i)){
set(board, x + i, y + j, color);
function getBoard(){
const img = new Uint8Array(X_SQUARES * Y_SQUARES).fill(STANFORD_COLOR);
for(var i = 0; i < BOARD_HEIGHT; i++){
for(var j = 0; j < BOARD_WIDTH; j++){
img[(i + START_Y) * Y_SQUARES + j + START_X] = 0;
return img;
var board = getBoard();
function drawBoard(board){
const imgObj = {width: X_SQUARES, height: Y_SQUARES, bpp: 8,
buffer: board, msb: true};
g.drawImage(imgObj, 0, 0, {scale: SQUARE_SIZE});
g.setFontAlign(0,0); // center font
g.setFont("6x8",1.5); // bitmap font, 8x magnified
g.setColor(-1).drawString("Score:", 210, 112);
g.setFontAlign(0,0); // center font
g.setFont("6x8",2.5); // bitmap font, 8x magnified
g.setColor(-1).drawString(score, 210, 130);
function isValidPlacement(piece){
len = piece[1][0][0];
for(var i = 0; i< len; i++){
for(var j = 0; j< len; j++){
x = piece[2] + i;
y = piece[3] + j;
pieceSet = getBit(piece[1][piece[4]][1], j * len + i);
inBounds = x >= 0 && x < BOARD_WIDTH && y >= 0 && y < BOARD_HEIGHT;
invalid = pieceSet != 0 && (!inBounds || (check(board, x, y) != 0));
return false;
return true;
function onlyFall(piece){
// TODO: implement rotation ?
return [piece[0], piece[1], piece[2], piece[3] + 1, piece[4]];
function updatePiecePlacement(piece){
dx = 0;
dx += || -1 : 0;
dx += || ? 1 : 0;
return [piece[0], piece[1], piece[2] + dx, piece[3] + 1, (piece[4] + ( ? 1 : 0)) & 3];
function countLastRow(n){
sum = 0;
for(var i = 0; i< BOARD_WIDTH; i++){
sum += !!check(board, i, n);
return sum;
function updateBoard(){
score += 1;
assignValuesToPiece(current_piece, 0);
var new_piece = updatePiecePlacement(current_piece);
current_piece = new_piece;
assignValuesToPiece(current_piece, 1);
} else {
var new_piece_fall = onlyFall(current_piece);
assignValuesToPiece(current_piece, 0);
current_piece = new_piece_fall;
assignValuesToPiece(current_piece, 1);
} else {
assignValuesToPiece(current_piece, 1)
extra = 0;
var keep = Array(BOARD_HEIGHT).fill(0);
for(var i = 0; i < BOARD_HEIGHT ; i++){
if(countLastRow(i) >= TETRIS_FILL){
extra += 1
score += 10;
} else {
keep[i] = 1;
if(extra > 0){
newBoard = getBoard();
count = 0;
for(var i = 0; i< keep.length; i++){
if(keep[keep.length - i]){
var h_new = BOARD_HEIGHT + START_Y - count -1;
var h = BOARD_HEIGHT + START_Y - i;
slice = board.subarray((h) * Y_SQUARES, (h + 1) * Y_SQUARES);
newBoard.set(slice, Y_SQUARES * h_new);
count += 1
board = newBoard;
current_piece = getRandomPiece();
gameOver = true;
function drawBg(){
function gameOverScreen(){
g.setFontAlign(0,0); // center font
g.setFont("6x8",3); // bitmap font, 8x magnified
g.setColor(-1).drawString("Game Over!", MIDDLE, MIDDLE);
stop = true;
function tetris() {
function loop() {
setTimeout(loop, 100 - (score >> 4));
"Abstract Nonsense" is a somewhat loving, but somewhat derisive term for methods (typically
Category Theoretic methods) in pure mathematics that are unreasonably convoluted and involve a lot of theoretical machinery.
I myself am awful at Category theory but excellent at abstract nonsense, and I wanted a space to share my thoughts
and projects. I'm well aware that very few people will read this blog, but to me this space is a journal. A respite
from the giants that control the web, and a space to share my thoughts into the void, in a way I can control and moderate.
More concretely, I hope to maintain "Abstract Nonsense" as a dev log as sorts. Not because I think it showcases phenomenal
technical talent, but because it showcases some of the cool things I've been learning on the side.
I'll keep my first entry on this journal quite short. This entry stands well on its own.
Because it does something the category theorist in all of our hearts would love.
It's self referential.
The content engine that runs Abstract nonsense is quite brilliant if I do say so myself.
It is a python script tha takes in a series of html files, and agglomerates them into a single file.
In addition to the abstract nonsense engine I have two other python scripts that form the backbone of this (static)
website. I have a script that takes in plaintext of a quote document I have been personally maintaining for the
past 3 years. It uses regular expressions to parse out the quotes and build an html file that contains java-script
that builds a dynamic webpage this java script program alters the html on the page to create a typing effect.
Check it out
here! The final piece of this beautiful infrastructure is a third script that runs both scripts than commits the whole branch to master.
As I learned on Twitter/Reddit/The Quote Document:
"Everybody has a testing environment. Some people are lucky enough enough to have a totally separate environment to run production in." - @stahnma
Abstract nonsense and this website as a whole is both test and prod. Maybe one day, I'll be a good enough engineer
to be able to invest in a test and prod for my website.
How long can you run without going more than 1 kilometer away from your apartment or retracing your steps?
Unfortunately, not only can I answer this, I probably have enough material to write a thesis on this topic.
The ultimate (ongoing) goal is to take top place on this leaderboard.
The leaderboard basically scores a run by divinding its length by its diameter.
For example, if you run a 10k without retracing your steps and you stay within 1k of your home the whole time,
you'd have a score of 10 / (1 * 2) = 5. This puts you near the bottom of the leaderboard.
Turns out getting a good score depends on answering few different questions.
Boolean satisfiability is a classic problem in computer science. Given a series of n boolean variables, A B C ... and a formula in 3-conjunctive normal form
CDCL is a complete and sound method, so the canonical solver line is also the number of solvable instances.
import random
import pandas as pd
import collections
import time
import pysmt
from pysmt.shortcuts import Symbol, LE, GE, Int, And, Equals, Plus, Solver, Or, Iff, Bool, get_model
from pysmt.typing import INT
from mip import *
from functools import reduce
from itertools import combinations
from operator import mul
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from hyperopt import fmin, tpe, space_eval, hp
critical_ratio = 4.4
MIN_N = 3
MAX_N = 1000
# We vigorously handwave the phase transition for 3sat
Benchmark various free ways to solve 3sat
def create_random_ksat(num_variables, num_clauses, k = 3):
Return a random 3sat clause with num_variable number of variables and num_clauses clauses
:param num_variables:
:param num_clauses:
:param k: k in ksat
:return: A list of K-tlists of variables. Each variable is tuple contains a pair, which is an integer (the name of the variable)
and whether or not it is negated. This is a 3sat clause,in CnF
def valid(clause):
return len(set(var for var, _ in clause)) == len(clause)
def create_clause():
while True:
clause = tuple((random.choice(range(num_variables)), random.random() < .5) for i in range(k))
if valid(clause):
return clause
clauses = set()
while len(clauses) < num_clauses:
new_clause = create_clause()
while new_clause in clauses:
new_clause = create_clause()
return list(clauses)
def evaluate(cnf, variables):
return all(any(variables[name] == val for name, val in clause) for clause in cnf)
def get_num_symbols(sat_instance):
return max(max(tup[0] for tup in clause) for clause in sat_instance) + 1
def canonical_solver(sat_instance):
Reference solver. Assume complete and sound.
:param sat_instance:
num_symbols = get_num_symbols(sat_instance)
symbols = [Symbol(str(i)) for i in range(num_symbols)]
domains = [Or([Iff(Bool(is_true), symbols[variable]) for variable, is_true in clause]) for clause in sat_instance]
formula = And(domains)
model = get_model(formula)
if model:
return True
return False
def assignment_from_num(i, num):
return [bool((i >> index) & 1) for index in range(num)]
def nonconvex_local(sat_instance):
n = get_num_symbols(sat_instance)
def cost(x):
return [sum(
min(int(1 - x[variable]) if is_true else int(x[variable]) for variable, is_true in clause)
for clause in sat_instance
results = []
for i in range(10):
start = [int(random.random() < .5) for i in range(n)]
result = minimize(cost, start, bounds = [(0, 1) for i in range(n)])
guessed_output = [int(a >= 0.5) for a in result.x]
results.append(evaluate(sat_instance, guessed_output))
return any(results)
def hyperopt(sat_instance):
n = get_num_symbols(sat_instance)
def cost(x):
return sum([
min(int(1 - x[variable]) if is_true else int(x[variable]) for variable, is_true in clause)
for clause in sat_instance
c = 2.1
best = fmin(fn=cost,
space=[hp.randint('x' + str(i), 0, 2) for i in range(n)],
max_evals = 2 * int(n ** c))
return cost(list(best.values())) < 1
def brute_force(sat_instance):
Solve in Exponential time. For fun. O(c * (2 ** n))
:param sat_instance:
def all_instances(num):
for i in range(2 ** num):
yield assignment_from_num(i, num)
return any(evaluate(sat_instance, s) for s in all_instances(get_num_symbols(sat_instance)))
def do_benchmark() -> pd.DataFrame:
solution_strategies = {"canonical":canonical_solver, "ilp": do_cbc_solver, "schonig": schonig,
"crank_algorithm": crank_algorithm, "local_sat": local_sat,
"brute_force": brute_force, "nonconvex_local": nonconvex_local, "hyperopt": hyperopt}
hit_cutoffs = set()
ns = [int(a / REPEATS) for a in range(MIN_N * REPEATS, MAX_N * REPEATS, 1)]
cols = collections.defaultdict(list)
for n in ns:
new_row = dict()
new_row["n"] = n
instance = create_random_ksat(n, int(n * critical_ratio))
for solution_name, solution in solution_strategies.items():
start = time.time()
new_row[solution_name] = solution(instance) if solution_name not in hit_cutoffs else False
end = time.time()
new_time = end - start
new_row[solution_name + "_time"] = new_time
if new_time > TIMEOUT:
right_solution = new_row["canonical"]
for solution_name in solution_strategies:
if solution_name in hit_cutoffs:
new_row[solution_name + "_correct"] = False
new_row[solution_name + "_correct"] = right_solution == new_row[solution_name]
for key in new_row:
return pd.DataFrame(cols)
def do_cbc_solver(sat_instance):
n = get_num_symbols(sat_instance)
m = Model("knapsack", solver_name = CBC)
x = [m.add_var(var_type=BINARY) for i in range(n)]
for clause in sat_instance:
m += xsum(x[var] if is_true else 1 - x[var] for var, is_true in clause) >= 1
status = m.optimize()
return status == OptimizationStatus.OPTIMAL or status == OptimizationStatus.FEASIBLE
def schonig(sat_instance):
Schonig's algorithm
:param sat_instance:
n = get_num_symbols(sat_instance)
def attempt_greedy_walk():
randomized_assignment = [random.random() < .5 for i in range(n)]
c = len(sat_instance)
for i in range(5 * c):
evaluation = evaluate(sat_instance, randomized_assignment)
if evaluation:
return True
for clause in sat_instance:
if not evaluate([clause], randomized_assignment):
var, _ = random.choice(clause)
randomized_assignment[var] = not randomized_assignment[var]
return False
return any(attempt_greedy_walk() for i in range(10))
def local_sat(sat_instance):
Gradient descent esque sat, with some simulated annealing. Should be worse than schonig better better than the crank
Schonig's algorithm
:param sat_instance:
n = get_num_symbols(sat_instance)
map = [0] * n
for clause in sat_instance:
for variable, is_true in clause:
map[variable] += 1 - (2 * is_true)
def attempt_greedy_walk():
randomized_assignment = [random.random() < .5 for i in range(n)]
c = len(sat_instance)
for i in range(5 * c):
evaluation = evaluate(sat_instance, randomized_assignment)
if evaluation:
return True
for clause in sat_instance:
if not evaluate([clause], randomized_assignment):
var, _ = max(clause, key = lambda tup: ((map[tup[0]] if not randomized_assignment[tup[0]] else -map[tup[0]]), random.random()))
randomized_assignment[var] = not randomized_assignment[var]
return False
return any(attempt_greedy_walk() for i in range(30))
def crank_algorithm(sat_instance):
If this works the following author is a millionare, and P = BPP
:param sat_instance:
n = get_num_symbols(sat_instance)
# M is some free parameter less than n, lets fix arbitrarily
M = n - 1
# For some reason M is assumed to be even
if M % 2:
M = M - 1
M = 4
current_assignment = [int(M / 2) for i in range(n)]
def evaluate_fractional_clause(clause, variables):
k = len(clause)
out = 0
for subset in range(1, k + 1):
mult = (-1) ** (subset + 1)
for combo in combinations(range(k), subset):
out += reduce(mul,(((variables[clause[i][0]]) if clause[i][1] else (M - (variables[clause[i][0]] / M))) for i in combo)) * mult / (M ** subset)
return out
def worst_clause_and_val():
return min(((clause, evaluate_fractional_clause(clause, current_assignment)) for clause in sat_instance), key = lambda a: (a[1], random.random()))
for i in range(20 * n * n * M * M):
assert all(var <= M for var in current_assignment)
worst_clause, worst_clause_truth_value = worst_clause_and_val()
if worst_clause_truth_value == 1:
return True
random_var, _ = random.choice(worst_clause)
increments = {0.0: [1], M: [-1]}
increment_choice = random.choice(increments.get(current_assignment[random_var], [1, -1]))
current_assignment[random_var] += increment_choice
return False
benchmark_df = do_benchmark()
# print(do_cbc_solver(create_random_ksat(10, 100)))
benchmark_df.to_csv("data", index = False)
benchmark_df.groupby("n").mean().to_csv("data_grouped", index = True)
pd.set_option("display.max_rows", None, "display.max_columns", None, "display.width", 1000)
# print(benchmark_df)
pip install pandas
python # start the logger
conda install tensorflow
pip install pandas
python >> output_log.txt
cat output_log.txt
from pynput.keyboard import Key, Listener
import time
import random
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
mutable_st = []
from subprocess import Popen, check_call
def check(mutable_st, key):
l = len(key)
return len(mutable_st) >= l and all(mutable_st[i - l] == key[i] for i in range(len(key)))
def open_then_close(url, time_to_sleep = 3):
browser = webdriver.Chrome()
def on_press(key):
do_nothing_function = lambda : None
def get_random_picture_of(thing):
adjectives = ["cute", "cuddly", "floofy", "soft",
"adorable", "big", "aww", "safe",
"happy", "sad", "tame"]
adjectives_to_use = []
for adjective in adjectives:
if random.random() < .5:
query_words = adjectives_to_use + [thing]
query = "+".join(query_words)
quit = lambda : exit(0)
keywords = {"python": lambda : get_random_picture_of("pythons"),
"conda": lambda : get_random_picture_of("cartoonish plush snake"),
"pandas": lambda : get_random_picture_of("pandas"),
"floof": lambda : get_random_picture_of("floofers"),
"dog": lambda : get_random_picture_of("dog"),
"cat": lambda : get_random_picture_of("cat"),
"fuck": lambda : get_random_picture_of("great alaskan malamute"),
"shit": lambda : get_random_picture_of("giant flemish rabbit"),
"sad": lambda : get_random_picture_of("hug"),
"leavelogger": quit}
for key, function in keywords.items():
if check(mutable_st, key):
with Listener(on_press=on_press) as listener:
If you have a fixed budget or you want to tweak the numbers to see what would need to change to meet certain financial goals try out the optimizer. The optimizer uses the bisect method to find some input which meets a certain goal. For example, say you have 100,000$ and you want to figure out how much you can spend on a house, the optimizer will help you budget.
Right now this product is in a tech-demo stage. Short-term, there are two features that we plan to build out relatively shortly.